Observability for serverless functions

Firefly is an open-source observability framework, it provides an overview of serverless function health via metrics and traces. Firefly provides automated instrumentation and deployment of a telemetry pipeline, and displays relevant data in easy to use dashboards.

We designed Firefly for small teams that need observability for their serverless functions, but don't want to commit to a full on SaaS solution. We tried to strike a balance between the ease of use of an SaaS solution and the low cost of a DIY solution. Read our case study for a more in depth look at Firefly!

Other Work


A database-backed web application for inspecting and debugging webhooks. Built with Node.js, Express, Handlebars, Ngrok, PostgreSQL.


Web application for tracking and visualizing flight paths from specific airlines and airports. Built with React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB.


A task tracking web app with a RESTful API. Built with Ruby, Sinatra, ERB, PostgreSQL.


An e-commerce shopping cart application. Built with React, Express, Node.js and MongoDB.

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